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NewsletterLallemand Brewing Quarterly Newsletter – issue 7Welcome to this 7th edition of the Lallemand Brewing We Brew With You newsletter where we bring you up to date with our latest news and developments. The Lallemand Brewing team is diverse, inclusive, and dynamic, constantly exchanging, interacting, and […]
Jul 26, 2021
BlogCo-fermentation and collaboration with ØlbryggingIn April, Lallemand was pleased to announce the first in a series of collaborative all-grain kits with Ølbrygging in Norway. This joint effort pulled in the combined expertise of both companies, with the Lallemand team providing the branding and recipes, […]
Jul 15, 2021
WebinarFarmhouse Product Launch with special guestsLalBrew Farmhouse™ is a non-diastatic hybrid that has been selected to make Saison-Style and Farmhouse-Style beers. The webinar will begin with Eric Abbott, our Global Technical Advisor. Then Renaissance experts Jessica Swanson, Lead Development Scientist and Beverage Unit Manager, and Zachari […]
Jun 29, 2021
BlogLalBrew Farmhouse™- Premium Yeast Selection for Saison Beer StyleLalBrew Farmhouse™ is a truly innovative hybrid beer yeast selected to make hassle free Saison beers and so much more. Eliminating the risk of cross contamination that comes with a diastatic yeast while retaining all characteristics that make Saison yeast […]
Jun 22, 2021
BlogA deep dive into yeast nutrition with Graeme Walker, Professor of ZymologyAn interview with Graeme Walker, Professor of Zymology from Abertay University, Dundee, Scotland You have a long and successful career in zymology – how did you get into yeast and fermentation as your specialty? Graeme Walker: “On leaving High School […]
May 17, 2021
WebinarAustin IPA Brew Kit LaunchLallemand and Olbrygging are pleased to announce the launch of the Austin IPA collaborative brew kit. This innovative recipe was designed in collaboration with Lallemand employees Eric Dixon and Molly Bowring and uses an innovative co-fermentation technique. To mark the […]
Apr 15, 2021
BlogSouring with Bacteria: The Choice is YoursBrewers have several options when it comes to using bacteria to make sour beer. While Kettle Souring is the preferred method, brewers can also use their fermenter to perform a sequential inoculation with bacteria and yeast to achieve a sour […]
Apr 14, 2021
NewsletterLallemand Brewing Quarterly Newsletter – issue 6Welcome to the latest edition of the WBWY digital newsletter! There has been an explosion of interest in sour beers in recent years as commercially available freeze-dried bacteria (such as our Wildbrew Sour Pitch™ and Wildbrew Helveticus Pitch™) has made […]
Mar 26, 2021
WebinarYeastLife O Product Launch[Re]watch our webinar to learn about Lallemand Brewing’s newly launched yeast nutrient – AB Vickers Yeastlife O™. The webinar will feature a roundtable discussion on usage and results from recent fermentations with Avi Shayevitz from Lallemand Brewing R&D Lab, Mike […]
Mar 17, 2021