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NewsletterLallemand Brewing Quarterly Newsletter – issue 15Discover the world of Non-Alcoholic Beers and Low-Alcoholic Beers Non-alcoholic beers and low-alcoholic beers (NABLAB) are gaining popularity among people who want to enjoy the taste of beer without the effects of alcohol. This new edition provides an opportunity to […]
Oct 9, 2023
BlogWhat’s up with the worty flavor in NABLAB?One of the most noticeable issues with non-alcohol beers and low-alcohol beers (NABLAB) is that flavor often does not match or compare with traditional beer flavors. The primary reason for these substantive flavor differences is the production process of these […]
Oct 6, 2023
ModuleOnline module: Can you identify the major flavors of fermentation?This module teaches brewers about the complex world of fermentation. It covers the flavors produced by yeast during fermentation, such as esters, phenols, H2S, diacetyl and how to control them through various techniques. By the end of this module, learners […]
Aug 7, 2023
NewsletterLallemand Brewing Quarterly Newsletter – issue 14Our team shared their technical knowledge to offer you a dedicated sour beer newsletter ahead of summer. In this edition, we explore the world behind sour beers. From a look at our bacteria production site to tips for sour beer […]
Jul 28, 2023
BlogAn Examination into the Sensory Advantages Offered by a Novel Hybrid Maltose-negative Saccharomyces cerevisiae strainLow and non-alcohol beer production differs from traditional beer production in a number of ways, most notably in sensory composition. These sensory differences are a result of different factors, with yeast being a primary driver. This article dives into how […]
Jul 28, 2023
BlogBeer Haze Stabilization and Increased Shelf Life with Clarizyme™For beer enthusiasts and brewers alike, the appearance and taste of a beer are essential factors in determining its quality. Haze in beer, caused by suspended particles, can negatively impact taste, visual appeal, and shelf life. More specifically, the most […]
Jul 28, 2023
Webinar[Webinar] Introducing LalBrew® LoNa™: A game-changing solution for NABLAB beersConsumer demand for non-alcohol beer and low-alcohol beer (NABLAB) is on the rise. Traditionally, NABLAB beverages were produced with expensive equipment or involved arrested fermentations, both of which resulted in flavor loss and deficiencies compared to full strength beer. LalBrew […]
Jun 27, 2023
BlogRevolutionize low-alcohol beer with LalBrew LoNa™Brewing low-alcohol beer is known for being a challenging and costly process. The result is often producing bland, low-bodied, and worty beers. Despite the growing demand, not many solutions are offered to brewers. What if you had a game-changing solution […]
May 2, 2023