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LalBrew NovaLager™: launch at Drinktec
Drinktec, a major tradeshow for the brewing industry
This past September, the Lallemand Brewing team was very excited to attend this muchanticipated event in Munich, Germany. Only taking place once every four years, the Drinktec trade show is well known as the world’s leading trade fair for the beverage and liquid food industry. Always a massive gathering, attendance this year for Drinktec included a total of 1,002 exhibitors from 55 countries and nearly 50,000 visitors from 169 countries. The international presence and diversity were an incredible experience. It is truly an event unlike any other. Always a team favorite to get a current feel for the pulse of the industry, this year proved no different.
LalBrew NovaLager™ launch at Drinktec
Additional excitement surrounded our attendance this year as Drinktec set the stage for the launch of our newest product, LalBrew NovaLager™, a hybrid lager strain with a novel lineage. To showcase our new lager strain, we collaborated with the Research Center Weihenstephan for Brewing and Food Quality to prepare three trial beers, each made using the same wort but fermented with a different lager yeast strain. Attendees had the chance to taste for themselves and hear about the innovation that went into the creation and selection of LalBrew NovaLager™. As LalBrew NovaLager™ has been bred to produce little to no diacetyl, no H2S flavors and provide slight esters, it was easy for attendees to differentiate between the strains trialed, which included lager strains from traditional lineages.
A place to share
One of the best takeaways from the event, as always, was feedback from brewers. We were privileged to hear stories of our products in use, and authentic opinions, which always prove invaluable to us. We are constantly listening to the perceptions, needs and wishes of our community, as this helps motivate us to continue developing products that respond to brewers’ needs and for the success and sustainability of the industry.
Published Oct 2, 2022 | Updated Jul 24, 2023