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Lallemand Brewing Quarterly Newsletter – issue 7
Welcome to this 7th edition of the Lallemand Brewing We Brew With You newsletter where we bring you up to date with our latest news and developments.
The Lallemand Brewing team is diverse, inclusive, and dynamic, constantly exchanging, interacting, and supporting each other. We welcome two new members to the team, Pan Wang, a Master Brewer graduate of the Technical University of Munich and graduate of the Doemens Academy. Pan was latterly Brewmaster with Paulaner in China and joins our team as Technical Sales Manager, China. We also welcome our first team member in Russia, Aleksei Titov who joins us as Technical Sales Manager, Russia. Aleksei brewed with Heineken and latterly as Head Brewer with craft brewer ‘Mookhomor’ in St Petersburg. We wish them both great success and enjoyment as they contribute to our continued business growth.
Pink Boots Society, dedicated to educating and training women brewers, invited Siebel Institute of Technology to deliver a workshop on ‘Sensory Kits and Flavor Compounds’ at their recent Arizona Chapter retreat. Siebel, a long-time supporter of Pink Boots Society through the granting of annual scholarships, was delighted to support this event and all enjoyed an informative and entertaining ‘walk through’ the subject of beer sensory and the use of Siebel Sensory Training Kits.
In this edition, we are also excited to bring you news about one of our most innovative yeast products to date – LalBrew Farmhouse™. This unique yeast, bred using totally natural hybridization
techniques, allows the production of Saison-style beers but, since the STA1 gene is removed, eliminates the risks sometimes associated with using STA1 positive yeasts (brewery contamination,
over-attenuation and exploding bottles). A huge ‘thank you’ to the many brewers that worked with us on the brewing trials for this new launch. We discuss the hybridization technique involved and how this can be used to fuel an innovation pipeline.
Editorial by Brent Jordan,
General Manager, Lallemand Brewing
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Published Jul 26, 2021 | Updated Jul 12, 2023