LalBrew Abbaye™

LalBrew Abbaye is an ale yeast of Belgian origin. Selected for its ability to ferment Belgian style beers ranging from low to high alcohol, LalBrew Abbaye produces the spiciness and fruitiness typical of Belgian and Trappist style ales. When fermented at higher temperatures, typical flavors and aromas include tropical, spicy and banana. At lower temperatures, LalBrew Abbaye produces darker fruit aromas and flavors of raisin, date, and fig. Traditional styles brewed with this yeast include but are not limited to Belgian White, Belgian Blonde, Belgian Golden, Dubbel, Tripel, and Quad.

500g, 550g (50x11g), 10kg (20x500g), 20kg (on request only)
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Quick facts

StrainSaccharomyces cerevisiae
Beer stylesBelgian Blonde Ale, Belgian Dark Strong Ale, Belgian Dubbel, Belgian Golden Strong Ale, Belgian Pale Ale, Belgian Quad, Belgian Tripel, Biere de Garde, Witbier
Temperature range17 - 25°C (63 - 77°F)
AromaSpicy, fruity, tropical, banana
Alcohol tolerance14% ABV
Pitching rate50 - 100g/hL

Flavor and aroma characteristics - LalBrew Abbaye™


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We reverted to LalBrew Abbaye ™ as our house yeast after trying various alternatives. It gives us better predictability with more constant attenuation, all while keeping the correct flavor profile.
It took us several years to find a dry yeast for our Belgian style beers. With Lallemand Abbaye ™, we finally have a reliable solution to produce esters and give our beers that typical profile we were looking for.


Technical Data Sheet

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