
Are you looking to increase your brew length without the worry of flash boil in the wort kettle or the hassle of excessive foam in the fermentation vessel? Discover what Foamsol™ can do for you. 

Foamsol™ is a thermostable silicon-based antifoam designed to effectively manage foam throughout your brewing process. This easy-to-use solution works efficiently at addition rates as low as 0.5-10ml/hl.  Added directly into the wort kettle, whirlpool at cast, or into the fermentation vessel during wort transfer. Diluting the Foamsol before addition will aid dispersal and increase the effectiveness. 

Foamsol™ reduces the surface tension of your liquid, preventing the formation of large foam heads. Excessive foaming can lead to significant loss of foam-positive proteins and alpha acids, as they adhere to vessel walls or spill onto the floor. By using Foamsol™, you can increase your fill volume by up to 20% and improve alpha acid utilization by up to 15%. 

Foamsol is effectively removed by adhering to the yeast cell wall so there is no negative impact on beer foam. Also due to the low addition rate in relation to yeast growth during fermentation  re pitching is no problem.  

Not only does Foamsol™ enhance hop utilization and beer foam quality, but it also contributes to cost savings by minimizing cleaning efforts. Keeping the foam confined to the fermenter, preventing spills and reducing the need for extensive cleaning.  

Foamsol™ offers a simple and economical approach to boosting your brewing efficiency and productivity. Keep your foam where it belongs in the fermenter, not on the floor. 

5 kg,25 kg
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Product DescriptionDocumentation


  • Increased fill capacity in wort kettle and FV
  • Improved hop utilization and preservation of head positive proteins
  • Reduced cleaning costs
  • Reduced foam in CIP sets


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Without Foamsol™ and With Foamsol™


Knocks down foam in wort kettle and FV, increasing brew capacity by up to 20%.  Improves foam potential and increase alpha acid usage by up to 15% 

Add to wort kettle on transfer, into whirlpool en route to FV or directly into FV. Dilute 1 part in 10 to increase efficiency. 

No, only improved alpha acid utilization.

Yes. A low addition rate in relation to the yeast biomass yield at the end of fermentation ensures no effect on yeast for repitiching.

Into wort kettle addition rates 2-10ml/hl, into FV 0.5-5ml/hl. If using cross flow filtration technology keep addition rates below 2ml/hl.

Ambient temperatures, do not freeze. 

For more information about Foamsol, please contact our customer sales manager for AB Vickers products, Sarah Young, at Our experts are ready to assist you with any questions you may have. 


Technical Data Sheet

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