LalBrew® LoNa™

LalBrew® LoNa™ is a maltose-negative Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain specifically developed using hybridization for brewing clean low-alcohol and non-alcohol beers (reduced worty fl­avors, POF-negative and H2S-negative). Advanced classical and non-GMO breeding methods were used to select a strain that does not consume maltose or maltotriose, resulting in very low attenuation. As a S. cerevisiae strain, LalBrew® LoNa™ performs like an ale yeast producing a clean and neutral aroma profile with no phenolic ­flavors, and significantly reducing aldehydes that cause worty ­flavors. Additionally, the patented technology from the University of California Davis (USA) ensures that the strain will not produce sulfurous off-flavors, allowing the malt and hop fl­avors to shine through.

Pasteurization is required when brewing with LalBrew® LoNa™ to avoid fermentation after packaging and ensure beer stability.

500g packs
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Quick facts

StrainSaccharomyces cerevisiae
Temperature range20 - 25°C (68 - 77°F)
AromaClean and neutral, no POF or sulfur, wort flavors absent or minimal
Alcohol toleranceN/A
Pitching rate50 - 100g/hL

Flavor and aroma characteristics - LalBrew® LoNa™


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  • Different acids have different flavor profiles, but all should be food-grade when added.
  • LoNa™ is a hybrid Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain
  • LoNa™ is POF- (unlike other maltose negative yeast strains), so the resulting beer is cleaner tasting
  • Overall brewers have found beers fermented with LoNa™ to have a refreshing taste and a fruity aroma
  • Maltose is relatively less sweet than other sugars (larger sugar molecules are less sweet than smaller ones)
  • Remaining maltose is fermentable by other brewing strains, wild yeast, and bacteria. Pasteurization stabilizes the product and prevents microbial activity in the packaged product.
  • LoNa can be used for both low-alcohol and non-alcohol beer production with the appropriate recipe design based on the brewer’s desired results
  • The definition of low and non-alcohol beer varies by region
  • Hybridization centers on classical breeding techniques that involved the mating of two cells
  • Genetic engineering involves modern biotechnology techniques (for example homologous recombination, CRISPR)

Pasteurization is required when brewing with LalBrew® LoNa™ to avoid fermentation after packaging and ensure beer stability. Keep fermentation and maturation time to a minimum to avoid additional fermentation by other microorganisms prior to pasteurization.


Technical Data Sheet

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