LCSM – Lin’s Cupric Sulfate Medium
LCSM is used for the detection and quantitative determination of wild yeast populations in brewing culture yeast. It is designed to encourage the growth of non-Saccharomyces yeast. An inoculum of approximately 1 million culture yeast cells needs to be plated on LCSM. While the growth of culture yeast will be suppressed by cupric sulfate, wild yeast will develop as large, distinct colonies. A few Saccharomyces, like S. cerevisiae var. diastaticus, may be more resistant to cupric sulfate and show a certain level of growth.
For more information on DÖHLER GmbH, please visit their website: https://www.doehler.com/
For more information specifically on their DMD microbiological media: https://www.doehler.com/en/our-portfolio/integrated-solutions/service-solutions/culture-media-for-microbial-detection/dmdr-product-range/lwym-lcsm.html
500g packs