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Join us for the first Lallemand BrewEd tour: Crafting IPAs from Yeast to Glass.

Join us for the first Lallemand BrewEd tour: Crafting IPAs from Yeast to Glass.

This full day of education offers a unique chance to explore biotransformation with experts in fermentation.

Key highlights

  • Biotransformation, from the basics to the latest research with the Lallemand Brewing team
  • Special guest Richard Preiss, co-founder of Escarpment Laboratories, Canada, will discuss yeast selection techniques and share tips for brewing memorable IPAs
  • A sensory workshop to help you identify biotransformation compounds
  • Networking opportunities throughout the day during coffee breaks, enjoy lunch, and participate in a tasting session at the end of the day.

We will be visiting three locations:

  • Barcelona at Maresme Brewery on March 25
  • Paris at Gallia Bar on March 27
  • Amsterdam at Oedipus Brewing on March 28

Free seats are limited (the first tour is on us!), so be sure to secure your spot quickly!

Published Mar 13, 2025

- EventBiotransformationBrewing EducationIPA